
Logic Surface Grader PG250
The Logic Surface Grader or Manage Grader is quick and efficient at grading the manége, levelling any surface material, whether it be simply sand or one of the more sophisticated, softer compositions such as rubber chip.
The optional bar of tines works deeper into the surface than the main levelling blade mixing and aerating the components. This is essential for rubber chip and bark surfaces but also beneficial for preventing compaction on any sand based surface.
The Surface Grader can be towed behind a quad which is ideal for this sort of application because of its low ground pressure. The Grader is light to tow and offers ‘one pass’ levelling to ensure the arena is quickly back to its best, ready for the next session. Logic’s unique design ensures that this grader really does provide the best level surface possible.
This machine is also exceptional for maintaining any gravel driveway by pulling excess material in from the edges and then levelling the whole surface.

Pro-Harrow LPH (Arena)
The strong ’tilling’ action of the Pro-Harrow enables extremely effective removal of moss and thatch from grassland areas as well as managing the surface of arenas and all-weather gallops.
When using a harrow on grassland, the dead grass is removed and as the soil is scarified, it stimulates the growth of healthy new grass – this process also helps when reseeding.
Another benefit of the Pro-Harrow is that it can be used on your arena or on an all-weather gallop to quickly dress the surface and re-blend the components together.
Care must be taken to ensure that the membrane underneath an all-weather surface has sufficient depth of covering material to prevent the tines from catching the membrane and accidentally tearing it. The tines have a maximum penetration of 150mm and so the depth of covering should exceed this, being no less than 180mm across the whole of the all-weather surface area.

Chain Harrow
The CH100/CH200 are standard chain harrow webs which have 4ft (1.2m) or 6ft (1.8m) widths respectively. As with all Logic products, these chain harrows are strongly made and perform a simple, no-nonsense task behind a suitable towing vehicle.

Pro-Harrow LPH (Paddock)
The strong ’tilling’ action of the Pro-Harrow enables extremely effective removal of moss and thatch from grassland areas as well as managing the surface of arenas and all-weather gallops.
When using a harrow on grassland, the dead grass is removed and as the soiI is scarified, it stimulates the growth of healthy new grass – this process also helps when reseeding.